她们伴你平安归家 2019年,全国铁路系统首次选拔高铁女司机。 经过严格的考核筛选,部分女学员已经开始以高铁副司机的身份踏上今年的春运行程。 With the start of China's annual Spring Festival travel rush on Friday, some young women wearing navy-blue uniforms caught people's attention. They are China's first batch of female drivers for high-speed trains. Recruited by a national campaign in May 2019 after receiving months of intensive training, these young women, mostly of the post-90s generation, started their new career first as a co-driver. It will take them two to three years to become a licensed high-speed train driver. 24岁的金婉鑫就是其中的一员。 高中时金婉鑫和同学坐车去长春,看到动车工作人员戴大盖帽、穿制服让她对这份职业心生向往。后来,她考进吉林铁道职业技术学院机车系,专业就是开火车、修火车。 去年5月,全国铁路系统选拔中国第一批高铁女司机的消息传来,金婉鑫毫不犹豫地报了名。 24-year-old co-driver Jin Wanxin is one of them. Because of her long-cherished desire to become a train driver, Jin applied for the post as she heard the recruiting news. Until then, she had been working in the logistic and maintenance departments of Fuzhou locomotive depot under the railway bureau of Nanchang, capital of southeast China's Jiangxi Province, for more than two years. As Jin majored in railway locomotive at Jilin Railway Technology College, she seized the life-changing opportunity and was also well prepared.
正式出勤工作时,要核对数据、确认信号、平稳操纵….. 这样一份需要超高实操技能和时刻高度集中的工作,在很多人看来是一个挑战。 此外,调车、列检、维修这些室外工作都很费体力。工作时风吹日晒昼夜不分也让有些人觉得这样一份工作是不是不太适合女性? Apart from grasping locomotive knowledge and technical terms, female drivers have to deal with physically demanding challenges like handling the operations of shifting gears and engaging the clutch just like their male counterparts. They are also responsible for other labor-consuming tasks related to train operation such as repairs, maintenance and inspection. "During the shift, the driver must stay fully focused on driving. The responses to various road signs, confirmation of the signal, call and response, and change of speed at the crossings, all require the driver to maintain a high level of concentration," Jin said. 为什么金婉鑫和她的同伴们会选择当一名高铁司机? 除了对铁路事业的热爱,她们中的很多人想要打破性别的藩篱,证明“男人能做到的女人也一样能做到”。
也有人选择这样一份充满挑战性的工作,希望自己能从中得到历练和提升。 Another soon-to-be driver Hang Ziqing, who is the same age as Jin, doesn't feel gender really comes into the job. "I believe women have some advantages and can do better," said Hang. In a video released by Nanchang Railway on China's Twitter-like platform Weibo, when asked why they chose to become a high-speed train driver, the candidate replied "why not?" "My husband and I were classmates at college. We both learned about cars and locomotives. We have been working on the same train for years, he's a driver and I'm an attendant. I just need a chance to be his colleague in the driving cab." For younger women who are the post-95s generation, love, continuous learning and the interest in a challenging job are their motivations behind choosing this career.